Thursday 25 February 2016

Back on blog

Haven't done this for ages... blog that is. It feels weird.

Another thing I haven't done much of late is write poems... but here is one. May it be of interest to somebody.

Peace out

I do not google myself.
These days I am happier viewing others
who just happen to share a same name
(this name and that, and even the other).

I study their grand achievements:
doctors of psychiatry, literature,
an author of children’s books,
and whilst there was a time
I would have felt pressure,
disappointment and even a sense of shame,
I think that nonsense has finally blown away
and now, on some possibly insane level,
I just feel pride in their names.
Call me ridiculous.

I mean - look at this one:
Professor of cultural something or another,
Producer of academic tomes,
and, with the inevitable Fox/Quaker connections,
Promoter of peace to boot.
What a woman.

Today it feels enough, more than that,
that they are doing it,
that they are all so hard at work;
neat army of busy minds.
And me? What of the messy mes?
We just potter about quietly,
no need to panic,
for there are safe hands,
somewhere else,
getting important things done.

RF 2016


Rachel Fenton said...

Love the closing lines especially. xx

Rachel Fox said...

Cheers t'other Rach. My Rachel has been a bit dormant of late. Not sure if she is reawakening or just talking in her sleep...

The Bug said...

YES - it is definitely a relief to know that others are handling the important things. Leaves me time to read blogs & crochet :)

P.S. My mother's maiden name was Fox - although her branch was not the LEAST bit Quaker...

Rachel Fox said...

I'd have to be honest and say I do still worry about doing important things some of the time... I've just reduced the worrying time a little and chose to celebrate that here...
