Sunday, 22 March 2020

So much to say

Out of reach

There is no language for us any more.
All those words that you knew,
That you hunted for crosswords,
They’re quiet and scarce,
And I’m totally clueless

And I look at the photos,
And I hear all the funny old ways,
And I feel like I can touch your skin
But I can’t.


There’s a lot I could say about what’s going on around us right now (about governments, about people’s behaviour, about fear and bravery and everything in between). But I’m tired (aren’t you?). And there are lots of people saying lots of things already so all my stuff can wait.

It’s Mother’s Day here (for another hour or so) so the above is a poem I wrote after my Mum died in 2010 at the age of 86. I grieved for her for quite a few years but now she feels very distant (like a story almost). Today, instead of thinking about her particularly, I received Mother’s Day gifts from a precious daughter, finished reading a good book, drank cups of tea and coffee, did a crossword (joint effort), walked a dog, did a little gardening, watched some TV, enjoyed my food, even drank a sherry. So, all in all, I pretty much was my mother for a day. And it was a good day. I am always pretty efficient at appreciating the small things (a good breakdown and recovery can do that to a person) but today and all the days just now I am better at it than ever. For many reasons, but partly because my father was a doctor, I can’t help but think about the medical staff just now. We take them for granted too often. We reward so many of the wrong people.

Anyway, let’s not get into that right now. Take care. Enjoy the small things when you can. And share them.