Wednesday, 11 January 2023


For info on this artwork see below.

Thanks to any readers who stuck with me here despite the Strictly Come Dancing blog takeover in late Nov/Dec. I know it was a bit bizarre but don’t worry, it’s all finished now.


In the holidays we have conversations we don’t necessarily have the rest of the year and one of the questions I am often asked is “so are you still writing?” (or some variation on that theme). Awkward pause. Shift in seat. Think to myself “I don’t know really. Am I? And who cares either way?” And sometimes I say that. And sometimes I say “well, I just wrote a great big thing about Strictly Come Dancing”. Cue another awkward pause but this time from the other direction.


Also I know it is unfashionable but I keep a really clear email inbox (this is tantamount to admitting I have, as they say, no life). Most people say they have 50,000 emails in their inbox and this suggests many things (some positive, some negative, depending on your stand on these issues). In mine, however, down at the bottom of the little list, I have a couple of notes I’ve sent myself and one is the tiny poem I’ll post below. I sent it to myself in June 2019 and it’s been sitting there for the past few years. I could edit it I suppose but it has lasted this long so I am going to leave it be. I used to write a lot of little poems – maybe it’s time to give them another go. 


The artwork in my photo above is by Tara McCombie and was taken at the Out of Sight Out of Mind exhibition that I was part of in Edinburgh last year. You can still see that exhibition online here. I took a lot of photos when I visited as there was so much great work on show. 


Here’s my poem. Answers on a postcard… and happy mid January to you!






Won't fit

A tiny snip

Too square

A little tear

Round hole

In you go



RF 2019