Monday 5 August 2024

From the step


From the step


That strong pink rose

paints my mother’s face, 

her smile as she saw it,

and the breeze recalls

her sigh at its glory.


But I’m still not a gardener,

I tidy the steps,

cut back a few brambles,

think, now and then,

about the state of the grass.


I watch wildflowers run,

positively encourage

mobs of foxes and cubs.

I hear dandelions roar

and bluebells ring.




RF 2024

I’ve not written much this year, been gainfully employed for a change, but here’s a little something I’ve been fiddling about with for a month or two. I read it to the folks at Newtyle Music Session last week and people seemed to like it so let’s spread it a little wider.

Pics are from mid June.