Thursday, 6 October 2011

Testing paint

This is the painting I managed in art class number four last week. I'm really just testing this to see how it looks online... and being a bit naughty by posting paint instead of poem on National Poetry Day... Still, someone else (Judith Taylor) posted a link to a humdinger of a poem (this one). And from it this:

"Work is its own cure. You have to
like it better than being loved."

Hard business, this creative lark. But fun. Sometimes.



Marion McCready said...

Really like it, a hidden talent for sure!

Rachel Fox said...

As they say on Strictly... I have a very good teacher. I didn't even want to paint (more interested in drawing...) so it's been fun to push the boundaries and all that.

The Solitary Walker said...

Oh, very good! If I'd painted that I'd be very pleased (though my drawing and painting skills are non-existent, I must tell you. I once drew a nude from life in a Parisian attic which led to a swift exit from aforementioned city). I think you need more perspective, more highlights, more accents. But the colours and composition have a hint of the gorgeous!

Rachel Fox said...

I am TOTAL beginner so I'm sure it needs more of everything! But you know me... I kind of like imperfection (good job...).
And I'm sure nudes are hard (as it were). So far I've only drawn the dog and a few inanimate objects.

The Solitary Walker said...

Very hard. That was the problem.

Rachel Fox said...

You are awful. But I like you.

Rachel Fox said...

I think 'texture' is the word I hear most in the class! And I have a lot of artist friends... I guess I've picked up some tips over the years.

As for ghost... nice idea. Might put one in on purpose next time.


Niamh B said...

excellent work Rachel, you're going great for only being on lesson 4!

Rachel Fox said...

What next, you ask... opera singing?

hope said...

I'm impressed! The only painting I'm good at is interior walls. :)

Thanks for just saying no to Opera. ;)

Rachel Fox said...

Now see, I would have said that (or not even that!) about my own abilities just a couple of weeks ago. So grab a brush and get to it...

Rachel Fenton said...

Brilliant first attempt, Rachel x

Opened page in firefox - seems to have done the trick !

Ooh, and super ribbons on that comment which is rather dull after a billion attempts to post it!

Rachel Fox said...

Hooray - the comment appeared!

And this is my second attempt (with paint). And I did an oil pastel thing too. Just for the record.

I'm trying a different medium every week...


swiss said...

if it's drawing you're after you could do worse than stick drawing projects by maslen and southern on your christmas list. easily the best book on drawing i've ever seen, and much more besides.

Rachel Fox said...

I was thinking 'stick drawing' - hell, even I can manage that. But cheers - might look into that book.

Sarah said...

I like your painting-the colours are lovely and the feel of it is soft and poetic-so you got away with it on poetry day!
Just saw your comment on the bird post-it is hard being a cat lover and a lover of birds! The two don't mix well!

Rachel Fox said...

The whole mixing colours thing is completely new to me - it's fun. I don't know any of the 'proper' names for the colours of paint or anything though! Which makes it even more fun...

Titus said...

I'm impressed - it is the colours that are really doing it for me.

And yes, that's some humdinger. Class.

Rachel Fox said...

There was some talk in the class of green being a "difficult colour to work with". Typical - my favourite colour...

Niamh B said...

btw, came across a postcard the other day that made me think of this post

"Oh that painting! It's marvellous
just like a photograph"


Rachel Fox said...

Like Will in "The Inbetweeners" I am not a regular user of the smiley face. However let there be change

Enchanted Oak said...

I like the painting, that sort of aging warship gray business you used. A local artist last week told the newspaper, "I didn't want to put the sky in because it would just be like a ceiling in the painting, and it didn't need a ceiling." Or words to that effect.

McGuire said...

I love it. Keep at it.

Rachel Fox said...

Thanks guys. I did some chalky pastels today. Trying different things all the time!