Saturday, 10 December 2011

No time to shop...

No time to blog, no time to shop... but there's always time for poetry! I've been working pretty much non-stop on a long writing project this week... and dealing with the weather (power cut on Thursday evening)... and girl's pantomime business this week (in 3 shows - last one tonight)... and this and that.... but still I have been following the progress of other poets in IPYPIASM (see here). I've hardly been in any shops myself this week (hurrah!) but I did just quickly knock this little number up with the "In a Shop" feature in mind. Maybe someone else would like to get it onto the shelves for me (STOP PRESS Titus did it - here) ... or maybe I'll manage it next week. Here it is:

Smells like corporate machine spirit

Who wants to smell like famous folk?
The pong of Katie Price?
Sex and the City's flashy brew
The whiff of Old Posh Spice?

I'd rather smell like just washed hair
Or even just washed dog
Who needs Tulisa's X appeal
Or Britney's boxed-up fog?

RF 2011



The Solitary Walker said...

Now that's what I call getting your priorities right!

The moneyed odeur of Beyoncé on telly the other night got right up my nose and almost made me beat a retreat to the top of the nearest mountain.

Rachel Fox said...

Ain't no mountain high enough... to escape!

Someone once bought our girl Barbie perfume - what a horrible stench. I prefer TCP myself (nice dab behind the ears)... and all the usuals (fresh coffee, newly baked bread, baby's head...).


The Weaver of Grass said...

Just washed dog is a good point here at the moment Rachel - dog in question being partial to rolling in fox poo among other things.

hope said...

Amen! Please leave this one in a fragrance or make-up aisle! :)

Rachel Fox said...

Ours isn't much of a roller, Weaver. Still needs lots of bathing though!

If only I ever happened to be in the fragrance or make-up aisle, Hope... I'm sure if anyone saw me there they'd be so shocked they'd need medical assistance. I'm thinking of sending h elsewhere (to friends) for make-up training when the time comes (i.e. soon). Not that she has to wear it (heavens no!) but I'm sure she'll at least want to try it out (I know I did... wore heaps when I was about 14... then gave it up at about 15...).


Anonymous said...

Fabulous, Rachel! :D

Niamh B said...

Fab poem Rachel, I look forward to seeing it in store!!! (no pressure like)

Rachel Fox said...

I will try to get it out before Xmas...

Hi Susan. Cheers!


martine said...

thanks for sharing

Titus said...

Yay to the long writing project! Yay to the smell poem! I only ever chuck Titus in the river, which may explain why he always smells.

Never knew Sex and the City had a perfume! Until I took your poem out for a spin...

Titus said...

Ooh, and my Heavy Bag arrived today. Like it.

Dominic Rivron said...

Like it! It has an almost punk feeling of abandon to it. Please find time to stick it in a perfume dept.

Thinking of your others (which I have here) how about a "scratch and sniff" postcard?

Pete Goulding said...

Smelly water, we call it! Brilliant comment on the whole industry! And Titus did you justice!

Rachel Fox said...

Thanks for the heads up on Titus' covert actions, Peter. I've added it into the post.

Excellent marketing idea, Dominic. May have to make you head of that department.

Thanks for your work, Titus. And I only knew about the S & the C perfume because I saw it on the counter at a factory/discount store in town. I have only ever watched one episode of the show (and neither of the movies). Far too much shoe talk for me.

Hi Martine. Thanks for calling in.


Rachel Fenton said...

That's a bit Sex Pistols - I like it - already seen Titus has done the deed for you and placced it! Proper rebels!

Good stuff re the long writing.

Rachel Fox said...

Yes, should have something for people to read/hear shortly. But it is long!

The Bug said...

I love this! I stopped wearing perfume when I started dating the mister (that would be about 22 years ago) - everything made him sneeze. It was kind of freeing, actually :)

Rachel Fox said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rachel Fox said...

Everything made him sneeze but you...


Anonymous said...

I bet it does pong. Whatever happened to good old 'Charlie' from the '70s? That was epic. Smelled good too. Loved this poem, Rachel!

Rachel Fox said...

I think Charlie still exists! Haven't owned any perfume since back then, I don't think...

Crafty Green Poet said...

I've never understood celebrity fragrances....

Rachel Fox said...

The "sweet" smell of success is the idea, I suppose. Ugh.