Saturday, 11 April 2020

Too soon

Too soon

It’s too soon to know what this says about us,
For articles about how we survived
When it’s not nearly over,
For patting ourselves on the back
Because we managed a few days without crisps.

There are things we should have known already:
That arrogance and privilege
Do not open the mind –
Why listen to others
When you seem to be winning?

But things can change,
Maybe can, maybe might.
We might care a little more,
We might share, we might not.
The air that we breathe, it might last.

RF 2020


The Bug said...

This echoes how I’ve been feeling. Will we change? Or will we give a great sigh of relief, “Now THAT’S over, let’s party!” I don’t know.

Rachel Fox said...

As always a bit of everything I suppose...

Pete Goulding said...

Love the sentiments. Not sure about the 'we'. I honestly believe my wife has changed. I'm just longing to get back to my Thursday night pints and travelling. Different people, different reactions
Certainly been a wake up call for everybody. Well, most people...

Rachel Fox said...

Yes, it's been interesting what different people miss from their more regular lives. I am starting to miss friends most of all I think.. and some aspects of freedom. But a quick read of something from someone who is working in a hospital, or who has been ill, or who has lost someone dear to them... all these things put my little inconveniences into perspective and I appreciate the freedoms I still very much have. And I hate our 'leading' UK politicians as much as I ever have (which is quite a lot).