Sunday, 19 November 2023

Just a poem



If time is short

then make it good.

Let mornings break

to golden sun

and tea in bed,

each moment held,

but gently.


Let days stroll by,

with traffic light,

path to the beach,

sand to the sea.

As hours rest

let breeze blow soft

around you.


Hear kettles boil,

see windows steam,

bread cut just right,

a perfect slice.

The oven hot,  

may cakes all rise 

to attention.


May each night fall

happier still

than the one before.

Let loved ones come,

hold hands, belong,

sleep be your friend,



RF 2023 (to hear it try the video below)


The Bug said...

That was lovely and it reminds me to try harder to be in the moment instead of in my iPad.

Rachel Fox said...

If you're happy on the iPad I think it's not all bad 😊